The School Day

School Hours 

From September 2024, the school day runs from 08:50am to 15.15pm with a staggered pick up until 15.35pm (A typical week is 32.5 hours). All classes have a one hour lunch break. A typical week lasts for 32.5 hours. (For class timetables. please see class pages.) To enable us to make a good start to the day, parents are asked to ensure that children arrive at school well in time. Any pupil arrving after the gate is closed will need to be brought to the main office to sign in.

Children are welcomed into school from 08:30am. Our registers are taken at 08:50am. 

Morning Teaching Session

8:30-8:50am meet and greet and early morning activities

08:50am - Register 

09.00- 10.45am -Teaching and Learning/Collective Worship

10.45 - 11.00am - Break 

11.00 - 12.00 - Teaching and Learning 

Afternoon Teaching Session

13.00 - 14:00 Teaching and Learning Session One 

14:00-15:00 Teaching and Learning Session Two 

15:00-15:15 class story

Collection Arrangments

Class 1 & Siblings - 15.15

Class 2 & Siblings - 15.20

Class 3, 4 and 5 - 15.25 - 15.35