Rabbits (Reception/year 1) 2024 - 2025
Mrs Smith
Welcome to Rabbits
Welcome to Rabbit Class. We’d like to send a warm welcome to our returning families and new families who have joined Bickerton School, we’re so pleased to have you with us. The children have had a great start and settled very quickly. We are all really looking forward to this year and working with you to support your child. Here is some information about your child’s teaching team and the essential things you need to know. This class page will contain lots of useful information and advice which will be updated each term.
Useful things to bring each day: |
· Book Bag · Waterproof coat · A set of spare clothes – these can be kept in school · Named Water bottle – water only please, no juice · Reading record We learn through play both inside and outdoors, whatever the weather! We love to explore and investigate and try to persevere when things are tricky. During the year we learn through different themes. These are based on the children's ideas as well as current themes and interests. Reading The children will bring a reading for pleasure book home to share with you. Please read it to your child and talk about it together. This is to extend their experience of a variety of book genres and explore different texts. They will need to bring their reading for pleasure books back every Friday to be replaced. When you share books at home with your child, please do write in their reading record. Book Bags Please can children bring their book bags to school each day. Please check them daily as this is where any letters will be. Letters and books should be the only items in the book bags. Please do not put water bottles in them as they can leak! SnackThe children are provided with a piece of fruit for free every day. If you would like to send an extra piece of fruit for your child feel free. It is a great way to encourage healthy eating and the children often love to eat more than one piece of fruit for a snack. NutsWe are a nut-free school so please ensure that any packed lunches that are brought in don’t contain products containing nuts. The British WeatherAs the British weather is a little unpredictable, please send your child with a named waterproof coat as they spend a lot of time learning outside. Please can all children have a pair of named wellies, which are left in school.
Each day the children access a daily phonics lesson taught through the Read Write Inc. scheme. Maths is taught through a mixture of practical activities and lessons from Mastering Number. Each half term, we have planned texts that we will be using with the children, linked to Pathways. We immerse ourselves in this text, both through Literacy learning and within the learning environment. General: Over the year there will be lots of opportunities for your child to take part in different activities, clubs and competitions as well as opportunities to be leaders. If you have any questions over the term, please do not hesitate to contact me by either calling, leaving a message on Class Dojo or emailing school. Please note, we endeavour to respond to messages and emails within 48 hours. Anything urgent, please call the office on 01829 720240 |
Rabbits (Reception/year 1): Gallery items
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Rabbits (Reception/year 1): Calendar items
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