Here at Bickerton Primary School, we embrace a Mastery Curriculum approach to our mathematics teaching. This means spending greater time immersing the children and deepening their knowledge in particular areas/concepts as opposed to quickly moving through the curriculum and the year group objectives. We have high expectations that all children will achieve and, to do this, we believe that all children should be given the opportunity to develop enquiring minds. We do this through exploring, pattern finding, reasoning and problem-solving. We use questioning, activities which develop pupils’ fluency and a range of manipulatives to support each child to accomplish this. We strive to ensure that the whole class moves through content at the same pace and, when we adapt our delivery, it is through depth rather than acceleration; every child is given time to think deeply. We strive to develop a positive attitude to build lifelong learners who are self-confident, resilient and have a sense of achievement in their work. The school’s values of teamwork, fairness, resilience and curiosity are embedded in all that we do. Our curriculum planning ensures that by the end of KS2, all children will have met the expectations of the Mathematics National Curriculum; developed enquiring minds and have secure knowledge, skills and understanding ready for transition into KS3.
We want all of our children to LIVE - life in all its fullness (John 10:10)
Life long learners
Valuing Diversity
Enquiring Minds