Bullying Prevention


If you feel like you are being bullied then STOP:

At Bickerton Holy Trinity CE Primary School we want the following for all of our pupils:

  • Our Children feel and are safe

  • Our children are happy and experience good mental health and well being

  • Our children are healthy and make positive choices

Is it bullying or just a fall out?

There are three agreed defining features of bullying:

  • the victim is targeted by an individual or group on a regular basis

  • there is intention to harm or humiliate

  • there is a power imbalance, the victim is fearful of those targeting him or her

When all of the above are happening, it is highly likely that this is a bullying situation.

Bullying can take different forms.

It could include:

  • physical bullying: hitting, slapping or pushing someone

  • verbal bullying: name calling, gossiping or threatening someone

  • non-verbal abuse: hand signs or text messages

  • emotional abuse: threatening, intimidating or humiliating someone

  • exclusion: ignoring or isolating someone

  • undermining, constant criticism or spreading rumours

  • controlling or manipulating someone

  • making silent, hoax or abusive calls

The following types of bullying are also hate crime:

  • racial, sexual, transphobic or homophobic bullying

  • bullying someone because they have a disability

If the situation is a fallout between friends, but you remain concerned, please discuss with an adult working with your child and ask them to monitor things. At Bickerton Holy Trinity CE Primary School we recognise that bullying can occur. When it does it can be harmful both physically and emotionally for the victim. Allegations and incidents of bullying are always taken seriously by all staff and dealt with impartially and promptly. All those involved will have the opportunity to be heard. Staff will support all children involved whilst the allegations and incidents are investigated and resolved.


Whole school initiatives and proactive teaching strategies will be used throughout the school to develop a positive learning environment with the aim of reducing the opportunities for bullying to occur. These include:

  • Regular PSHE teaching following the agreed scheme of work.

  • Taking part in national Anti- Bullying week

  • Happiness Heroes, Class Leads and School Council

  • Internet Safety Awareness for parents and pupils.

  • Online Safety monthly newsletter shared and available on the school website helping pupils to stay safe online.

  • Awareness through anti- bullying assemblies

  • Playground buddies for children who are experiencing difficulties settling into school.

  • Following the whole school behaviour policy which includes using praise and reward to reinforce good behaviour.

  • Encouraging the whole school community to model appropriate behaviour towards one another.

  • Assemblies delivered by the NSPCC every 2 years

  • No Outsiders message is taught through assemblies and half termly lessons

The following links may provide additional support to children, staff or families.
