

At Bickerton Holy Trinity Primary, the Read Write Inc. Spelling Programme runs from Year 3 to 6 for the following reasons-: 

  • To enable to allow us meet the spelling expectations of the National Curriculum 2014 
  • To raise standards in spelling 
  • To provide consistency and progression in the teaching of spelling
  • To help support children to enable them to be more confident at spelling.  

How does this programme support your child in learning to spell? 

RWInc Spelling is an interactive programme that teaches spelling in a fun and engaging way. Each unit begins with a short video, helping children learn spellings with common patterns while also teaching rules and exceptions to aid recall. The program allows children to practice their spellings, seamlessly building on the 'Spell Review' section of the RWInc Phonics programme. As they progress, they apply their existing knowledge of dots (representing individual sounds) and dashes (indicating special friends) while also learning to add prefixes and suffixes to root words. This approach helps them develop greater spelling accuracy, understanding, and confidence.

All children have a speling exercise book which they used to complete activities linking to the spelling rule they are learning in the unit. Each unit focuses on one spelling rule/ pattern and at the end of each unit, the children are tested on the unit words that they have been learning, along with some of the ‘tricky’ words for their year group. 

Supporting Your Child's Spelling at Home  

At Bickerton, we do not give out weekly spelling lists for tests. Research suggests that most pupils do not benefit from weekly tests as they do not transfer their knowledge used in tests to their writing. At home, we would like you encourage your child to select activities from the termly spelling menus to help practise and memorise the statutory curriculum words which are the spelling challenge words. We suggest focusing on between 5 and 10 words each week. 

Spellings are regularly assessed to help identify areas of need and the children are given time to take ownership of their own spelling errors through proofreading and editing their work. 

Handy Tips for supporting your child with spelling: 

  • Ask your child to explain the rule for the week and get them to give you example words with that spelling rule.
  • When your child is writing, remind them to use their dots and dashes and ‘fred fingers’ to spell.
  • Encourage your child to edit their own writing for misspelt words using the sounds chart to choose the right grapheme. 

Useful links:


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