Foxes (year 3/4) 2024 - 2025

Mrs Eccles

Mrs Dunn

Welcome to Foxes

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We are all really looking forward to this year and working with you to support your child. Here is some information about your child’s teaching team and the essential things you need to know. This class page will contain lots of useful information and advice which will be updated each term.


Useful things to bring each day:

·       Reading book.

·       Reading record. Please ‘Strive for Five’ reads every week. We will check this on a Friday.

·       Water bottle.

·       Waterproof coat.

·       A small bag containing these items.

·       Optional, fruit snack.

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Please sign your child's reading record daily to confirm that they have completed their reading and homework. These records will be collected and reviewed regularly.

If your child has a phonics reading book, please listen to them read it three times to help them become familiar with the text and improve their fluency. These books will be changed weekly and will correspond with the sounds they are learning in phonics. Your child will also be encouraged to take home a book for pleasure.

If your child has a ZPD reading book, please encourage them to read it five times over a week. Once they finish the book, they should complete a comprehension quiz at school. ZPD books can be changed as soon as your child has completed them.

Maths Folder

Your child will receive math homework each week, sent home in a blue folder. Please encourage your child to complete one column each day. The completed sheet should be returned to school on a Friday so that we can mark it together and address any difficulties your child may have had.




Over the year there will be lots of opportunities for your child to take part in different activities, clubs and competitions as well as opportunities to be leaders.

If you have any questions over the term, please do not hesitate to contact me by either calling, leaving a message on Class Dojo or emailing school. Please note, we endeavour to respond to messages and emails within 48 hours. Anything urgent, please call the office on 01829 720240

Foxes (year 3/4): News items

World Book Day, by Mrs Williams

Foxes (year 3/4): Blog items

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Foxes (year 3/4): Gallery items

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Foxes (year 3/4): Calendar items

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